best frame for art

How To Make Your Art Look More Expensive

How To Make Your Art Look More Expensive

When it comes to displaying your artwork, the right frame can make all the difference. Not only does it protect your art from damage, but it also enhances its overall appearance. In this blog post, we will explore some expert tips on how to choose the perfect frame to make your art look more expensive.

Why is the Frame Important?

The frame serves as a visual border that separates your artwork from its surroundings. It not only adds a finishing touch but also complements the style and theme of the artwork. A well-chosen frame can elevate the perceived value of your art and make it more appealing.

photo frame size guide

Consider the Artwork's Style and Theme

Before selecting a frame, take into account the style and theme of your artwork. Is it a modern abstract painting or a classic landscape? The frame should enhance and harmonise with the artwork rather than overpowering it. For contemporary pieces, sleek and minimalist frames often work best, while gold or ornate frames can complement traditional or vintage art, adding depth to a space.

frame for fine art prints

Artwork: The Rain Limited Edition Fine Art Print

Choose the Right Material

The material of the frame can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your artwork. Wood, metal, and plastic are common frame materials, each with its own characteristics. Wooden frames, such as our signature range of solid oak or walnut picture frames, add a touch of elegance and warmth.

Metal frames, like aluminium or stainless steel, offer a sleek and modern aesthetic. Plastic frames are more affordable as they are mass produced, but here at Abstract House, we do not recommend them for many reason including the unfriendly environmental impact, poor quality and lack of durability. As Guild Of Fine Art members, we represent the industry benchmark for quality British framing. We spoke to our in-house team of expert framers to find out about their favourite material, and they recommend choosing a solid wood moulding for making the frames as it is classic, durable and natural. This is why our frames are loved by many and are the best choice for fine artists and art collectors alike. 

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Consider the Colour and Finish

The colour and finish of the frame should complement the colors and textures in your artwork. Neutral frames, such as black, white, or natural wood tones, are versatile and can work well with a variety of art styles. If your artwork has vibrant or bold colours, a frame with a more subdued tone can help balance the overall composition. Additionally, consider the finish of the frame, whether it's matte, glossy, or textured, to create the desired visual effect.

bespoke picture frames
Credit: Abstract House Bespoke Frames

If you want to go a little extra mile, why not choose a bespoke picture frame. Here at Abstract House, we offer a vast range of bespoke size, colour and shape options for frame mouldings and mountboard, so you can easily find the perfect custom frame at an affordable price.

Properly Size the Frame

Choosing the right frame size is crucial to ensure your artwork looks its best. A frame that is too small can make the artwork feel cramped, while a frame that is too large may overpower it. Measure the dimensions of your artwork and select a frame that provides a balanced border around it. Remember to consider the width of the frame as well, as a wider frame can add a sense of importance and grandeur.

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Consider Conservation and Protection

If your artwork is valuable or holds sentimental value, it's essential to choose a frame that offers conservation and protection. Look for frames with UV-protective glass or acrylic to shield your art from harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause fading over time. Additionally, consider using acid-free mats and backing boards to prevent deterioration and discoloration.

woman holding framed artwork


By following these expert tips, you can choose the right frame to make your art look more expensive and professionally presented. Remember to consider the artwork's style, material, colour, and size when making your selection. A well-chosen frame not only enhances the visual appeal of your art but also increases its perceived value. So, go ahead and give your artwork the attention it deserves with a carefully chosen frame!

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About The Author

Abstract House is the world's leading sustainable online art gallery.

Creating original art and frames in London using premium and sustainable materials. Learn more...

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